
Page created: 2022-07-16 for version 0.1

This is the page for my Open Source utility: exhaustmemory

Basically a Python 3 program that allocates all the available memory until you CTRL + C or the system kills it.

I’ve only tested it on Linux. Should work on windows and Mac but I don’t know how these Operating Systems will react to getting no memory available.

My advice is not to test this tool in Workstations, only in Linux Servers Bare metal, or VirtualBox or similar virtual machines.

Code for version 0.1 is:

import time

class ExhaustMemory:
    Will allocate memory

    s_program_name = "exhaustmemory"
    s_program_version = "0.1"

    def print_version(self):
        print(self.s_program_name, self.s_program_version)

    def allocate_memory(self, i_bytes):
        Allocates memory in the form of a ByteArray of the size bytes specified
        :param i_bytes:
        :return: Boolean for success, bytearray
        b_successfully_allocated = True
            by_allocated = bytearray(i_bytes)
            b_successfully_allocated = False

        return b_successfully_allocated, by_allocated

    def main(self):

        a_blocks_allocated = []

        i_bytes_in_one_kbyte = 1024
        i_bytes_in_one_mbyte = 1024 * i_bytes_in_one_kbyte

        i_bytes_to_allocate = 64 * i_bytes_in_one_mbyte


            i_counter = 0
            i_allocated_mb = 0
            while True:

                i_mb_to_allocate = int(i_bytes_to_allocate / i_bytes_in_one_mbyte)
                print("Allocating", i_mb_to_allocate, "MB")
                b_success, by_mem = self.allocate_memory(i_bytes_to_allocate)

                if b_success is False:
                    print("Memory allocation failed! Exiting")

                i_allocated_mb = i_allocated_mb + i_mb_to_allocate

                # Keep the memory allocated so it is not freed

                if i_counter > 9:
                    i_counter = 0
                    print("Allocated so far:", i_allocated_mb, "MB")
                    # Sleep is not needed by me, is needed for you human, to be able to observe your system resources and to be able to
                    # have enough time to decide if cancelling or continuing. Human brains are slow! :)
                    print("Sleeping for 1 second")
                    i_counter += 1

        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            print("CTRL + C pressed. Exiting")

            print("Problems allocating memory. Exiting")

if __name__ == "__main__":

    o_exhaustmemory = ExhaustMemory()

Minimal Unit Testing with pytest:

from exhaustmemory import ExhaustMemory

class TestExhaustMemory:

    def test_print_version(self, capsys):
        o_exhaustversion = ExhaustMemory()

        o_captured = capsys.readouterr()
        assert o_captured.out == "exhaustmemory 0.1\n"
        assert o_captured.err == ""

    def test_allocate_memory(self):
        o_exhaustversion = ExhaustMemory()

        # Allocate just one byte
        b_success, ba_allocated = o_exhaustversion.allocate_memory(1)

        assert b_success is True
        assert len(ba_allocated) == 1
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