Here are my books published in Amazon in Catalan / Aquí els meus llibres publicats a Amazon en Català:
- Aprendre a programar des de 0 amb números i PHP (Per a gent que no sap gens ni mica de programació)
- 10: Novel·la espacial en Català
Below I list the books I’ve published in Leanpub, in English, all of them sold as PDF (without DRM).
If you’re a colleague from Activision Blizzard King, contact me (and let me know who you are) as you have all my books for free. :)
During covid-19 I decided to lower the price to the minimum price that I’m allowed, of $5 USD, to help people. As things are more or now stabilized, in October 2021, I re-set to the normal fair for the value price.
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