Monthly Archives: August 2022 video on the Activision Blizzard King IT Demos 2021 February

I’ve good memories of this video.

In the middle of pandemic, with all commerce’s closed and no access to better cameras or equipment, I demonstrated the plug-in architecture that I created and I added to my Open Source Python Monitoring tool in a global conference for all IT in ABK (Activision Blizzard King).

I was so proud.

For that I cloned ctop into a Raspberry Pi 4 with Ubuntu LTS and had that motherboard which is a Christmas Tree LED attached to the GPIO.

As the CPU load on the Raspberry was low, the LED’s were green, and a voice (recorded and provided by an Irish friend) was played “The System is Healthy”.

Then I added load to the CPU and the LED’s changed.

And I added more load to the CPU and the LED’s turned to Red and and human voice “CPU load is too high”.

Voice is only played after a change in the state and with a cool down of a minute, to prevent flapping situations to keep the program chatting like a parrot :)

I should have shaved myself, but you know, it was a savage pandemic.

Also a manager from Blizzard DM me and told me that the touch pad being emerged was due to the battery swallowing and that it could explode, so I requested a replacement. Then I explained to other colleagues with the same symptom, and to others with no problems so they are not at risk if the same happened to them.

WFH made things that would be quickly detected in the offices by others (like the touchpad emerging) go unnoticed.

if you are looking for source code, it is in the CTOP’s gitlab repository. However it’s advanced Python plugin architecture code.

If you just look for a sample of how to power on the LED’s in different colors, and the tricks for solving any problem you may encounter, then look at it here:

RAB El nou món digital, edició d’estiu / Summer Edition 2022 – 2022-08-08 [CA|EN]

Aquest és el guió per al proper programa El nou món digital a Ràdio Amèrica Barcelona, que s’emet els Dilluns a les 14:30 Ireland Time / 15:30 Zona horària Catalunya / 06:30 Pacific Time.

Disclaimer: Treballo per a Activision Blizzard. Totes les opinions són meves i no representen cap companyia.

This is the excerpt of my radio program at Radio America Barcelona that airs on Mondays 14:30 Irish Time / 15:30 Catalonia Time / 06:30 Pacific Time.

Disclaimer: I work for Activision Blizzard. Opinions are my own. My opinions do not represent any company.

El programa de ràdio a RAB fa vacances durant el mes d’Agost, i tornarà a emetres el 5 de Setembre.

Nogensmenys continuaré pujant notícies per a que estigueu informats durant l’estiu. :)

Darrera actualització / Last Update: 2022-08-07

The RAB radio program will be on holidays during August, coming back the 5th of September. However I’ll keep posting news.


  • He vist Lightyear, a Disney+ i és molt guai i està en Català.
  • Evangelion 3.0+1.0 s’estrenarà als cinemes en Català! :)
  • Estic provant Google Stadia més a fons. M’he inscrit per un mes a prova de manera gratuïta. Hi estic jugant amb Linux, i la qualitat dels gràfics decep una mica. Per començar sembla que no suporten 4K en Linux, i és com si tota la imatge que envien estigués comprida amb jpeg, és a dir, hi ha una pèrdua de qualitat notable respecte a ho bé que ho veig a la XBOX X. També maregen una mica els jocs en 3D, i clar, tinc el monitor molt a prop comparat amb la distància amb la que jugo amb la tele. Jugo amb el teclat i el ratolí, i és infinitament més precís que mirar d’apuntar amb el comandament de la XBOX així que els zombies han palmat. ;)
    • A resolució Full HD es veu millor
    • Aquí pots comprar jocs, per a usar-los. I què passa amb els meus jocs si els vull vendre o regalar-los a algú?. No puc. I si un dia tanquen la plataforma també he perdut els diners.
  • I’m trying Google Stadia more in deep. I’ve enrolled for free one month.

Notícies d’estiu / Summer News

  • A Liban un home agafa d’hostatges els treballadors d’un banc i amenaça amb matar-los si no li tornen part dels diners que el banc a congelat del seu dipòsit (al país els bancs han congelat els dipòsits) perque el seu pare necessita una operació imminent i morirà, i necessita els diners per a pagar l’hospital. Quan el banc li ha desbloquejat $30,000 dels $210,000 que te estalviats i el banc va bloquejar, i que necessitava per a la operació del seu pare, s’ha entregat pacíficament.



Internet / Societat




Programes anteriors / Previous Programs

Programa anterior: RAB El nou món digital, edició d’estiu / Summer Edition 2022 [CA|EN]

Tots els programes: RAB

Docker with Ubuntu with telnet server and Python code to access via telnet

Explanations building the Container and running the python code

Here you can see this Python code to connect via Telnet and executing a command in a Server:


#!/usr/bin/env python3
import telnetlib

s_host = "localhost"
s_user = "telnet"
s_password = "telnet"

o_tn = telnetlib.Telnet(s_host)

o_tn.read_until(b"login: ")
o_tn.write(s_user.encode('ascii') + b"\n")

o_tn.read_until(b"Password: ")

o_tn.write(s_password.encode('ascii') + b"\n")

o_tn.write(b"uname -a\n")
o_tn.write(b"ls -hal /\n")


File: Dockerfile

FROM ubuntu:20.04


ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

# This will make sure printing in the Screen when running in detached mode

RUN apt-get update -y && apt install -y sudo telnetd vim systemctl  && apt-get clean

RUN adduser -gecos --disabled-password --shell /bin/bash telnet

RUN echo "telnet:telnet" | chpasswd


CMD systemctl start inetd; while [ true ]; do sleep 60; done

You can see that I use chpasswd command to change the password for the user telnet and set it to telnet. That deals with the complexity of setting the encrypted password.




echo "We will build the Docker Image and name it: ${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}"
echo "After, we will be able to run a Docker Container based on it."

printf "Removing old image %s\n" "${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}"
sudo docker rm "${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}"

printf "Creating Docker Image %s\n" "${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}"
sudo docker build -t ${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} .
# If you don't want to use cache this is your line
# sudo docker build -t ${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} . --no-cache

if [ $i_EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
    printf "Error. Exit code %s\n" ${i_EXIT_CODE}

echo "Ready to run ${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} Docker Container"
echo "To run in type: sudo docker run -it -p 23:23 --name ${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} ${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}"

When you run sudo ./ the image will be built. Then run it with:

sudo docker run -it -p 23:23 --name ubuntu_telnet ubuntu_telnet

If you get an error indicating that the port is in use, then your computer has already a process listening on the port 23, use another.

You will be able to stop the Container by pressing CTRL + C

From another terminal run the Python program:

python3 ./

Validate IP Addresses and Networks with CIDR in Python

Python has a built-in package named ipaddress

You don’t need to install anything to use it.

This simple code shows how to use it

import ipaddress

def check_ip(s_ip_or_net):
    b_valid = True
        # The IP Addresses are expected to be passed without / even if it's /32 it would fail
        # If it uses / so, the CIDR notation, check it as a Network, even if it's /32
        if "/" in s_ip_or_net:
            o_net = ipaddress.ip_network(s_ip_or_net)
            o_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(s_ip_or_net)

    except ValueError:
        b_valid = False

    return b_valid

if __name__ == "__main__":
    a_ips = ["",
             " ",
             "192.168.0. 1",
             " /32",

    for s_ip in a_ips:
        b_success = check_ip(s_ip)
        if b_success is True:
            print(f"The IP Address or Network {s_ip} is valid")
            print(f"The IP Address or Network {s_ip} is not valid")

And the output is like this:

The IP Address or Network is not valid
The IP Address or Network is valid
The IP Address or Network is valid
The IP Address or Network is valid
The IP Address or Network  is not valid
The IP Address or Network 192.168.0. 1 is not valid
The IP Address or Network is valid
The IP Address or Network /32 is not valid
The IP Address or Network is valid
The IP Address or Network is valid
The IP Address or Network is valid
The IP Address or Network is valid
The IP Address or Network is not valid
The IP Address or Network is valid
The IP Address or Network is not valid
The IP Address or Network is valid

As you can read in the code comments, ipaddress.ip_address() will not validate an IP Address with the CIDR notation, even if it’s /32.

You should strip the /32 or use ipaddress.ip_network() instead.

As you can see is returned as not valid.

You can pass the parameter strict=False and it will be returned as valid.

ipaddress.ip_network(s_ip_or_net, strict=False)