Category Archives: JavaScript

A super simple HTML jQuery JavaScript to hide a text

Some of my students are working on the Front End part, so I help them with JavaScript and jQuery.

Even if I’m super strong in Back End I’m not bad at JavaScript Front End.

So this super simple code will hide the paragraphs <p> using the hide animation from jQuery.

    	<script src=""></script>
        <p>Text to hide</p>
        <input type="button" id="button" value="Hide the text" onclick='$("p").hide(1000);'>

I think learning should be taken by steps, and starting by the most simple.

Front End (Beginners): Check if an AJAX request is made

I created this little video to show how to use the Web Developer Tools to check if jQuery AJAX request is being made.

This is to help beginners in their journey learning to program Front End.

Please be aware that the page I used makes their own calls for marketing purposes. I cleared several times the history to show what is the real AJAX request we are doing.

Note: The recording program did not capture correctly the mouse position and this video has no sound.

The page I shown is:

And some more info about jQuery .ajax method:

Normally you can try your HTML and JavaScript from your browser, opening the HTML file. However there are Security restrictions when it applies to AJAX requests or trying to access a local file from the browser.

You’ll need to run your JavaScript from an HTML page server from a Web Server. You can install apache if you use Linux, or WAMP if you use Windows or MAMP (Mac Apache MySQL PHP) if you use Mac or if you know how to you can create a Docker Container.

When you’re programming and your code does not trigger, pay attention to errors:

Top right, red circle, shows one error