Hire Me

Note 2020-01-10: This section is kept for historical reasons. I’m working for a company I love, where I’m very happy. If you are looking for a paid consultation and nobody else can do it because you really need my talent and expertise (Cloud, Scaling, Coding, Software Engineering, SRE, hands on fixing impossible problems…), I may help you (if the project or company is not competitor of my employer). In that case, please be detailed in what you need, and the estimated volume of hours you need my assessment and your budget. Thanks.

Old content:

If nobody else can do it, then you need me.

Typical projects I’m hired:

– Remote

I helped many companies working in remote


Software Development Manager to own the project, roadmap, functionalities, technology and lead the Team.

– I’m a launcher

I launch a new project, a new Start up, or release a new version.

If there are really difficult technical designs to do, that no one can do, I create them.

If it is not challenging, if it is not difficult enough or if another person can do it then is not for me.

– Engineering positions

When there is a need to add talent and muscle I can join as Permanent or Contractor.

– Accomplish dates

Some projects are out of dates, with heavy delays, architecture problems that make impossible the launch. I develop fast, hands-on solve where your team got stuck, and with good quality, and I get things done

– Scale out

When a project was working for few concurrent users but it isn’t for thousands or tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands concurrent users, here I go, modify the architecture with tools like Cassandra NoSql, Sharding, Memory caches like Memcached, redis, build a load balanced architecture, put CDN’s, varnish… and the project is able to withstand the needs.

– Fix and improve performance

I fix projects with heavy security or performance in the code problems, bottlenecks, or where the Team is stuck with problems they can’t solve. I scale out projects with heavy growth

– DevOps

When no one knows what’s happening. Developers think that the problems are in the platforms/systems and SysAdmins believe the problems are in the code, I’m called, and I investigate everything reviewing all the angles, and find where the problems are.

– Take Control as CTO

I take control of a messy platform / code, and of the Team and the Department.

I make sure everything is under control, that the company property and data is safe, stabilize everything and release the new versions on date.

– Strategy

When there is a good idea, I enrich it with my own ideas and my vision of Internet, and suggest new winner features.

I also add some technical magic if needed.

Usually companies go from a position of resisting among the competitors to a position where they can be leaders and competing for the top position with the big ones.

– Quality and Reliability

When a company needs someone to check the quality of their product, and find security flaws, issues, to check if the API works as expected or it has problems under certain circumstances, if interoperability is good…

– Usability, needs and easy of use

In the case of companies building products used by Start ups and Developers, I remark the flaws, the needs, new features required, the necessary easy of use, etc…

– Lead and Engineering Department

Well, I’ve collaborated with some very big companies.

– Lead a Service or Product

As Owner (mix between CEO and CTO) of the division

Often I’m hired to face difficult Teams, underperformers, liars, people stealing or cheating to the company that are causing heavy losses to the company or putting its existence at risk.

I’ve worked with problematic Teams distributed over the world, outsourced to India, Belarus, Pakistan, Latam, China… and locals. Mixed permanent and outsourced.

In some cases I come with a Team of super-Seniors, like an small army of super-Engineers, and fix/complete everything very fast.

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