News for the blog, upwards and onwards

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2020-03-06 Heya, I’m doing a set of improvements to the blog.

One, you can already see. I added a new section to the CSS @media, so now screens bigger than 1,800 px in width, will use that width for rendering the page. The original WordPress theme at 960x was too small for our current screens. I will add a new CSS @media for 4K screens promptly.

Other is about the organization of the content. I want to separate a bit the contents, now articles are sequential and is difficult to discover nice contents if they have 2 or more articles more recent, so I will group articles by content and provide a small index on the top page. Also I will provide more areas for Operations, SRE, where it will be easy to locate code, scripts, tricks… things that are useful to our day to day. I also want to make visible the articles about living in different cities, for IT Engineers, with useful tricks and tips. And keep the more complex and more interesting Engineering matters in the main page.


2020-03-13 15:49 Added SSL to the blog

With more delay I wanted, I bought a SSL certificate, configured Apache, and after few changes to the blog has been set. One very annoying is that WordPress linked the images statically pointing to so I changed the latest article’s images to point to relative path so they will work nice with http or https.

My reflection is that everything negative can have its positive output. With this coronavirus thing, I decided to focus into improving things. And so I’m doing. :)

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