A trick to see what causes Python error Unindent does not match any outer indentation level with PyCharm

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That’s one of the problems with Python. Blocks of code are defined by their indentation position.

That’s a pain when you copy and past and the IDE reindents the code thinking that is doing great, or generate a new inner class instead of replacing all the code.

Well, this error is very annoying cause it means that you mixed spaces and Tabs as indent separators.

But you can go crazy trying to find a tab in your code, so there is a trick that I came with:

Basically go to Menu Edit > Find and then type 4 times space. PyCharm will highlight all the places were this indentation (4 spaces) is present, so you’ll find the impostor without going blind or losing to many time.

As you can see, in front of def execute_command_without_waiting we don’t have 4 spaces. And in this case the impostor was not a camouflaged tab \t but 3 spaces instead of four.

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