News from the blog 2021-02-10
First Published: .
- I have updated so now it detects if is running in a Google GCP instance.
So the list of instances/type of virtualization detected is:
- Amazon AWS
- Google GCP
- OpenStack
- VirtualBox
- Docker containers
I’m working in detecting Raspberry Pi, models running CTOP, and in enabling the plugins system so anybody can easily expand the functionality of
Commented annotations and type hinting, to make CTOP compatible with Python 3.5.0.
Added Available RAM.
Added Google GCP detection.
Inform if it doesn't have permissions to decode DMI.
Print the userId (numeric) and the User (string), like: 1000 carles or 0 root.
Logic for swappiness <= 10 Ok, >10 and <= 30 warning, >30 red (alert).
Reduced digits for swap to 2, to avoid confusions.

- I have updated my book Python 3 Combat Guide, with another full cycle, step by step, to convert an ugly script that escapes to shell to a nice OOP code with Unit Testing, step by step.
- I have updated my book ZFS for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, adding how to create a pool and Datasets for home, sharing NFS for the Media Player.
- If you like Star Wars and the Mandalorian, you may laugh has much as I did with this video:
- I continue teaching programming classes to some people, Pyhon and Java.
- I’ve contribute to this article about what is DevOps in plain words.
- The latest articles are about:
- Oracle: Fix ORA600 [KGL-heap-size-exceeded]
- Fixing Wifi disabled in Dell laptops and Kali Linux as my colleagues, students, were experiencing this.
- Helping the Community:
- Solving Windows 10 PRO running Active Directory as Domain Admin when initiated session as a different user.
- Install Windows Subsystem for Linux, WSL 2 on Windows 10 64 bit, with Ubuntu, solution to error WslRegisterDistribution failed with error: 0x80070057
As you see I’m writing more articles about Windows, Mac Os X, and proprietary Software. Some of my colleagues work in companies and use proprietary Software, so I’ll be writing more articles about those ecosystems. I spend more time now with colleagues working on all kind of projects, and with students that have other problems too, so I help them. However my main focus is Open Source, Architecture, Scaling, programming in Python and Java.
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