Cloning a Windows Application running in Wine

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I’ve some very old Windows Applications running in Wine in my Linux workstations.

It’s Software I bought years ago and that is not available anymore.

Keeping and migrating or cloning to another Linux Workstation or Virtual machine is really easy.

I share the steps with you.

You just have to copy the contents from your /home/username/.wine folder.

Then, in the new workstation install wine. For Ubuntu this is:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install wine

Run winecfg so basic links and structures are created.

Then simply copy the .wine folder backup to your new machine /home/username/

Your programs will be in /home/username/.wine/drive_c_/Program Files/ or /home/username/.wine/drive_c_/Program Files (x86)/

If you want you can just copy your programs folder.

Remember that to cd to a directory with spaces you have to use “

For example:

$ pwd
$ cd "Program Files"
$ pwd
/home/carles/.wine/drive_c/Program Files

You can also use \ (slash space) to escape space.

Then start your favorite program with:

wine yourprogram.exe

If that fails is very probably that creating a new configuration, for a new user, will make things right.

Update 2022-01-05: Take in count that you will be copying the Windows registry when doing this. I use this trick to clone applications that are no longer downloadable from the Internet. I clone wine to dedicated Virtual Machines. You may need different Virtual Machines for different programs if windows registry is different for them.

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