Tag Archives: colorama Python package

Working on a Sudoku Solver in Python (Source Code)

This is a document previous to a live code review session.

It has the information to prepare for the upcoming code review session, where I plan to share the lessons learned, decision I took, mistakes I did, refactors I had to overcome, and tentatively we will refactor code in order to add some Unit Testing.


I used to play sudoku with my family, so from time to time I do by myself.

Once I found a sudoku that was impossible and it happened that it was a typo from the newspaper, so, when I found another impossible sudoku I wanted to know if it was me, or if there was a typo or similar, so I decided to write a Sudoku Solver that will solve the sudoku for me.

The bad guys

I had problems solving these two sudokus:

Some Screenshots

The Source Code

You can clone the project from here:


You will have to install colorama package, as I used it for giving colors to the output:

pip3 install colorama

The main program sudokusolver.py:

import copy
from lib.colorutils import ColorUtils

class SudokuMap():
    def __init__(self, i_width, i_height, o_color=ColorUtils()):
        self.i_width = i_width
        self.i_height = i_height
        self.o_color = o_color

        self.a_map = self.generate_empty_map()

    def generate_empty_map(self):
        a_map = []
        a_row = []
        a_i_possible_numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
        for i_x in range(self.i_width):

        for i_y in range(self.i_height):

        return a_map

    def set_number(self, i_number, i_x, i_y):
        Sets a well known (already defined in the original map) number for a position
        :param i_number:
        :param i_x:
        :param i_y:
        self.a_map[i_y][i_x] = [i_number]

    def detect_and_remove_a_number_from_possibles_from_a_row(self, i_y):
        We will elinate this possibility from the row
        :return: Boolean

        b_found = False
        self.o_color.print_label("Detecting numbers to remove from row " + str(i_y))

        for i_x in range(0, self.i_width):
            a_i_numbers_possible = self.a_map[i_y][i_x]
            if len(a_i_numbers_possible) == 1:
                b_found = True
                i_number_found = self.a_map[i_y][i_x][0]
                print("Found a number that will be removed from horizontal and vertical and in quadrant", i_number_found, "at", i_x, i_y)
                self.remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_a_row(i_number_to_remove=i_number_found, i_y=i_y)
                self.remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_a_column(i_number_to_remove=i_number_found, i_x=i_x)
                self.remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_quadrant(i_number_to_remove=i_number_found, i_x=i_x, i_y=i_y)

        return b_found

    def remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_a_row(self, i_number_to_remove, i_y):
        Removes a number from the list of possibles in that row
        :param i_number_to_remove:
        :param i_y:

        self.o_color.print_label("> Scanning for removing " + str(i_number_to_remove) + " in row " + str(i_y))

        for i_x in range(0, self.i_width):
            a_i_numbers_possible = self.a_map[i_y][i_x]
            if len(a_i_numbers_possible) == 1 and a_i_numbers_possible[0] == i_number_to_remove:
                # This is the right cell, ignore it
                # Subtract the number from the sequence
                if i_number_to_remove in a_i_numbers_possible:
                    a_i_numbers_possible_old = a_i_numbers_possible.copy()
                    print("> Removed", i_number_to_remove, "From:", str(i_x) + "x" + str(i_y), a_i_numbers_possible_old, "Pending:", a_i_numbers_possible)
                    self.a_map[i_y][i_x] = a_i_numbers_possible
                    if len(a_i_numbers_possible) == 1:
                        # Trigger it again for the number recently discovered
                        i_new_number_to_remove = a_i_numbers_possible[0]
                        self.o_color.print_success("> Found " + str(i_new_number_to_remove) + " From: " + str(i_x) + "x" + str(i_y))
                        self.remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_a_row(i_number_to_remove=i_new_number_to_remove, i_y=i_y)
                        self.remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_a_column(i_number_to_remove=i_new_number_to_remove, i_x=i_x)
                        self.remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_quadrant(i_number_to_remove=i_new_number_to_remove, i_x=i_x, i_y=i_y)

        self.o_color.print_label("> Leaving scan for " + str(i_number_to_remove) + " in row " + str(i_y))

    def remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_a_column(self, i_number_to_remove, i_x):
        Removes a number from the list of possibles in that row
        :param i_number_to_remove:
        :param i_y:

        self.o_color.print_label("V Scanning for removing " + str(i_number_to_remove) + " in col " + str(i_x))

        for i_y in range(0, self.i_height):
            a_i_numbers_possible = self.a_map[i_y][i_x]
            if len(a_i_numbers_possible) == 1 and a_i_numbers_possible[0] == i_number_to_remove:
                # This is the right cell, ignore it
                # Subtract the number from the sequence
                if i_number_to_remove in a_i_numbers_possible:
                    a_i_numbers_possible_old = a_i_numbers_possible.copy()
                    print("V Removed", i_number_to_remove, "From:", i_x, i_y, a_i_numbers_possible_old, "Pending:", a_i_numbers_possible)
                    # @TODO: Remove, as it's a pointer it is not needed
                    self.a_map[i_y][i_x] = a_i_numbers_possible
                    if len(a_i_numbers_possible) == 1:
                        # Trigger it again for the number recently discovered
                        i_new_number_to_remove = a_i_numbers_possible[0]
                        self.o_color.print_success("Found " + str(i_new_number_to_remove) + " From: " + str(i_x) + " " + str(i_y))
                        self.remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_a_row(i_number_to_remove=i_new_number_to_remove, i_y=i_y)
                        self.remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_a_column(i_number_to_remove=i_new_number_to_remove, i_x=i_x)
                        self.remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_quadrant(i_number_to_remove=i_new_number_to_remove, i_x=i_x, i_y=i_y)

        self.o_color.print_label("V Leaving scan for " + str(i_number_to_remove) + " in col " + str(i_x))

    def remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_quadrant(self, i_number_to_remove, i_x, i_y):

        :param i_number_to_remove:
        :param i_x:
        :param i_y:

        i_x_quadrant = int(i_x / 3)
        i_y_quadrant = int(i_y / 3)

        i_x_ini = i_x_quadrant * 3
        i_x_end = i_x_ini + 2

        i_y_ini = i_y_quadrant * 3
        i_y_end = i_y_ini + 2

        for i_y_rel in range(i_y_ini, i_y_end + 1):
            for i_x_rel in range(i_x_ini, i_x_end + 1):
                a_i_numbers_possible = self.a_map[i_y_rel][i_x_rel]
                if len(a_i_numbers_possible) == 1 and a_i_numbers_possible[0] == i_number_to_remove:
                    # This is the right cell, ignore it
                    # Subtract the number from the sequence
                    if i_number_to_remove in a_i_numbers_possible:
                        a_i_numbers_possible_old = a_i_numbers_possible.copy()
                        print("X Removed", i_number_to_remove, "From:", i_x_rel, i_y_rel, a_i_numbers_possible_old, "Pending:", a_i_numbers_possible)
                        # Nota: Here I had a bug and I was "liant-la parda"
                        # if len(a_i_numbers_possible) == 1:
                        #     # Trigger it again for the number recently discovered
                        #     i_new_number_to_remove = a_i_numbers_possible[0]
                        #     string_ints = [str(int) for int in ints]
                        #     self.o_color.print_success("X Found " + str(i_new_number_to_remove) + " From: " + str(i_x) + "x" + str(i_y) + "[]")
                        #     self.remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_a_row(i_number_to_remove=i_new_number_to_remove, i_y=i_y)
                        #     self.remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_a_column(i_number_to_remove=i_new_number_to_remove, i_x=i_x)

    def check_if_number_possibles_in_quadrant_is_unique(self, i_number_to_check, i_x, i_y):

        :param i_number_to_remove:
        :param i_x:
        :param i_y:
        :return: b_found

        i_x_quadrant = int(i_x / 3)
        i_y_quadrant = int(i_y / 3)

        i_x_ini = i_x_quadrant * 3
        i_x_end = i_x_ini + 2

        i_y_ini = i_y_quadrant * 3
        i_y_end = i_y_ini + 2

        i_number_of_occurrences_found = 0
        i_x_position_number = 0
        i_y_position_number = 0

        b_unique = False

        for i_y_rel in range(i_y_ini, i_y_end + 1):
            for i_x_rel in range(i_x_ini, i_x_end + 1):
                a_i_numbers_possible = self.a_map[i_y_rel][i_x_rel]
                for i_number_in_possibles in a_i_numbers_possible:
                    if len(a_i_numbers_possible) > 1 and i_number_in_possibles == i_number_to_check:
                        # This is the right cell, ignore it
                        i_number_of_occurrences_found += 1
                        i_x_position_number = i_x_rel
                        i_y_position_number = i_y_rel
                        if i_number_of_occurrences_found > 1:
                            # Unsuccessful

        if i_number_of_occurrences_found == 1:
            # Success!
            a_i_numbers_possible = [i_number_to_check]
            self.a_map[i_y_position_number][i_x_position_number] = a_i_numbers_possible
            b_unique = True

        return b_unique, i_x_position_number, i_y_position_number

    def check_if_number_possibles_in_row_is_unique(self, i_number_to_check, i_y):

        :param i_number_to_check:
        :param i_x:
        :param i_y:

        i_number_of_occurrences_found = 0
        i_x_position_number = 0
        i_y_position_number = 0

        b_unique = False

        for i_x_rel in range(0, 9):
            a_i_numbers_possible = self.a_map[i_y][i_x_rel]
            for i_number_in_possibles in a_i_numbers_possible:
                if len(a_i_numbers_possible) > 1 and i_number_in_possibles == i_number_to_check:
                    # This is the right cell, ignore it
                    i_number_of_occurrences_found += 1
                    i_x_position_number = i_x_rel
                    i_y_position_number = i_y
                    if i_number_of_occurrences_found > 1:
                        # Unsuccessful

        if i_number_of_occurrences_found == 1:
            # Success!
            a_i_numbers_possible = [i_number_to_check]
            self.a_map[i_y_position_number][i_x_position_number] = a_i_numbers_possible
            b_unique = True

        return b_unique, i_x_position_number, i_y_position_number

    def get_map_drawing_as_string(self, a_map_alternative=None):
        s_map = ""
        i_counter_y = 0
        s_separator_rows = "="

        a_map_to_use = self.a_map
        if a_map_alternative is not None:
            a_map_to_use = a_map_alternative

        s_map = s_map + s_separator_rows * 37 + "\n"
        for a_row in a_map_to_use:
            i_counter_y += 1
            if i_counter_y == 3:
                i_counter_y = 0
                s_separator_rows = "="
                s_separator_rows = "-"

            s_map = s_map + "|"
            i_counter = 0
            for a_i_numbers_possible in a_row:
                i_counter += 1

                if len(a_i_numbers_possible) == 1:
                    s_number = str(a_i_numbers_possible[0])
                    s_number = " "

                if i_counter == 3:
                    s_separator = "|"
                    i_counter = 0
                    s_separator = "¦"
                s_map = s_map + " " + s_number + " " + s_separator
            s_map = s_map + "\n"

            s_map = s_map + s_separator_rows * 37 + "\n"

            # Replace 0 by " "
            s_map = s_map.replace("0", " ")

        s_map = s_map + "\n\n"
        i_total_numbers_found, a_s_numbers_found = self.get_total_numbers_found()
        s_map = s_map + "Total numbers found: " + str(i_total_numbers_found) + " Numbers found: " + " ".join(a_s_numbers_found) + "\n"

        return s_map

    def get_map_drawing_of_possibles_as_string(self, a_map_alternative=None):
        s_map = ""
        i_counter_y = 0
        s_separator_rows = "="

        a_map_to_use = self.a_map
        if a_map_alternative is not None:
            a_map_to_use = a_map_alternative

        s_map = s_map + self.o_color.color_blue(s_separator_rows * ((9 * ( 9 + 2 )) + 10)) + "\n"
        for a_row in a_map_to_use:
            i_counter_y += 1
            if i_counter_y == 3:
                i_counter_y = 0
                s_separator_rows = "="
                s_separator_rows = "-"

            s_map = s_map + self.o_color.color_blue("|")
            i_counter = 0
            for a_i_numbers_possible in a_row:
                i_counter += 1

                if len(a_i_numbers_possible) == 1:
                    # The right number
                    s_number = str(a_i_numbers_possible[0]).center(9)
                    s_number = self.o_color.color_success(s_number)
                    a_i_numbers_possible_string = []
                    for i_number in a_i_numbers_possible:
                        s_number = str(i_number)
                        # Replace by the color sequence
                        if i_number == 2:
                            s_number = self.o_color.color_red(s_number)
                        if i_number == 3:
                            s_number = self.o_color.color_yellow(s_number)
                        if i_number == 4:
                    # s_number = "".join(a_i_numbers_possible_string).ljust(9)
                    s_number = "".join(a_i_numbers_possible_string) + " " * (9-len(a_i_numbers_possible))

                if i_counter == 3:
                    s_separator = self.o_color.color_blue("|")
                    i_counter = 0
                    s_separator = self.o_color.color_blue("¦")
                s_map = s_map + " " + s_number + " " + s_separator
            s_map = s_map + "\n"

            s_map = s_map + self.o_color.color_blue(s_separator_rows * ((9 * (9 + 2)) + 10)) + "\n"

            # Replace 0 by " "
            s_map = s_map.replace("0", " ")

        return s_map

    def get_total_numbers_found(self):

        i_total_numbers_found = 0
        a_s_numbers_found = []

        for i_y in range(0, self.i_height):
            for i_x in range(0, self.i_width):
                a_i_numbers_possible = self.a_map[i_y][i_x]
                if len(a_i_numbers_possible) == 1:
                    i_total_numbers_found = i_total_numbers_found + 1
                    i_number_found = self.a_map[i_y][i_x][0]
                    s_number_found = str(i_number_found)
                    if s_number_found not in a_s_numbers_found:

        return i_total_numbers_found, a_s_numbers_found

if __name__ == "__main__":

    o_color = ColorUtils()

    o_map = SudokuMap(9, 9, o_color=o_color)
    o_map.set_number(i_number=1, i_x=1, i_y=0)
    o_map.set_number(3, 4, 0)
    o_map.set_number(8, 7, 0)

    o_map.set_number(8, 0, 1)
    o_map.set_number(7, 3, 1)
    o_map.set_number(4, 5, 1)
    o_map.set_number(6, 8, 1)

    o_map.set_number(3, 2, 2)
    o_map.set_number(9, 6, 2)

    o_map.set_number(2, 1, 3)
    o_map.set_number(4, 4, 3)
    o_map.set_number(6, 7, 3)

    o_map.set_number(5, 0, 4)
    o_map.set_number(6, 3, 4)
    o_map.set_number(2, 5, 4)
    o_map.set_number(8, 8, 4)

    o_map.set_number(3, 1, 5)
    o_map.set_number(8, 4, 5)
    o_map.set_number(7, 7, 5)

    o_map.set_number(2, 2, 6)
    o_map.set_number(6, 6, 6)

    o_map.set_number(9, 0, 7)
    o_map.set_number(4, 3, 7)
    o_map.set_number(3, 5, 7)
    o_map.set_number(2, 8, 7)

    o_map.set_number(8, 1, 8)
    o_map.set_number(6, 4, 8)
    o_map.set_number(1, 7, 8)

    # Extra
    # o_map.set_number(2, 0, 0)

    # Speculative
    o_map.set_number(7, 0, 3)

    # Another map
    o_map2 = SudokuMap(9, 9, o_color=o_color)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=5, i_x=0, i_y=0)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=9, i_x=5, i_y=0)

    o_map2.set_number(i_number=7, i_x=2, i_y=1)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=2, i_x=7, i_y=1)

    o_map2.set_number(i_number=2, i_x=0, i_y=2)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=3, i_x=4, i_y=2)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=1, i_x=5, i_y=2)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=9, i_x=7, i_y=2)

    o_map2.set_number(i_number=7, i_x=0, i_y=3)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=1, i_x=2, i_y=3)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=6, i_x=3, i_y=3)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=9, i_x=4, i_y=3)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=4, i_x=8, i_y=3)

    o_map2.set_number(i_number=1, i_x=4, i_y=4)

    o_map2.set_number(i_number=6, i_x=0, i_y=5)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=7, i_x=4, i_y=5)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=4, i_x=5, i_y=5)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=3, i_x=6, i_y=5)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=1, i_x=8, i_y=5)

    o_map2.set_number(i_number=5, i_x=1, i_y=6)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=3, i_x=3, i_y=6)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=6, i_x=4, i_y=6)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=8, i_x=8, i_y=6)

    o_map2.set_number(i_number=6, i_x=1, i_y=7)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=7, i_x=6, i_y=7)

    o_map2.set_number(i_number=9, i_x=3, i_y=8)
    o_map2.set_number(i_number=3, i_x=8, i_y=8)

    # Extra help while not implemented the best algorithm
    # =============================================================================================================
    # |     5     ¦ 148       ¦ 48        |     7     ¦     2     ¦     9     | 148       ¦     3     ¦     6     |
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # | 13489     ¦ 13489     ¦     7     | 48        ¦ 48        ¦     6     | 148       ¦     2     ¦     5     |
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # |     2     ¦ 48        ¦     6     |     5     ¦     3     ¦     1     | 48        ¦     9     ¦     7     |
    # =============================================================================================================
    # |     7     ¦ 38        ¦     1     |     6     ¦     9     ¦ 358       |     2     ¦ 58        ¦     4     |
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # | 348       ¦ 2348      ¦ 3458      | 28        ¦     1     ¦ 358       |     6     ¦     7     ¦     9     |
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # |     6     ¦ 289       ¦ 589       | 28        ¦     7     ¦     4     |     3     ¦ 58        ¦     1     |
    # =============================================================================================================
    # | 14        ¦     5     ¦     2     |     3     ¦     6     ¦     7     |     9     ¦ 14        ¦     8     |
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # | 3489      ¦     6     ¦ 3489      |     1     ¦ 458       ¦ 58        |     7     ¦ 45        ¦     2     |
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # | 148       ¦     7     ¦ 48        |     9     ¦ 458       ¦     2     | 145       ¦     6     ¦     3     |
    # =============================================================================================================
    # By best algorithm I mean that the last in the middle vertical quadrant from the top right horizontally,
    # only 5 can be in a column. That clarifies that 5 must go to the other column in last quadrant, first column. Coord 6x8
    # o_map2.set_number(i_number=5, i_x=6, i_y=8)
    # ERROR traces from a bug fixed to mentioned during the code review
    # Surprisingly this fails
    # > Leaving scan for 8 in row1
    # V Scanning for removing 8 in col 4
    # V Removed 8 From: 4 7 [5, 8] Pending: [5]
    # Found 5 From: 4 7
    # > Scanning for removing 5 in row 7
    # > Removed 5 From: 5 7 [5, 8] Pending: [8]
    # > Found 8 From: 5 7
    # > Scanning for removing 8 in row 7
    # > Removed 8 From: 0 7 [3, 8] Pending: [3]
    # > Found 3 From: 0 7

    o_map = o_map2


    b_changes_found = True
    while b_changes_found is True:
        b_changes_found = False

        for i_y in range(0, o_map.i_height):
            b_found = o_map.detect_and_remove_a_number_from_possibles_from_a_row(i_y=i_y)
            if b_found is True:

        for i_y in range(0, o_map.i_height):
            o_map.o_color.print_label("Scanning quadrants for row " + str(i_y))
            for i_number in range(1, 10):
                for i_x in range(0, o_map.i_width):
                    b_found, i_x_found, i_y_found = o_map.check_if_number_possibles_in_quadrant_is_unique(i_number_to_check=i_number, i_x=i_x, i_y=i_y)
                    if b_found is True:
                        # Search again
                        b_changes_found = True
                        o_map.remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_a_row(i_number_to_remove=i_number, i_y=i_y_found)
                        o_map.remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_a_column(i_number_to_remove=i_number, i_x=i_x_found)

                    b_found, i_x_found, i_y_found = o_map.check_if_number_possibles_in_row_is_unique(i_number_to_check=i_number, i_y=i_y)
                    if b_found is True:
                        b_changes_found = True
                        o_map.remove_a_number_from_possibles_in_a_column(i_number_to_remove=i_number, i_x=i_x_found)

                if b_changes_found is True:

    # @TODO: Implement check if number in quadrant can only go to a column, to remove the non possible in that column from another quadrant
    # @TODO: Implement check if in a line only one number can go to a column.


The color library lib/colorutils.py:

from colorama import Fore, Back, Style , init

class ColorUtils:

    def __init__(self):
        # For Colorama on Windows

    def print_error(self, m_text, s_end="\n"):
        Prints errors in Red.
        :param s_text:

        # If they pass numbers
        s_text = str(m_text)

        print(Fore.RED + s_text)
        print(Style.RESET_ALL, end=s_end)

    def print_success(self, m_text, s_end="\n"):
        Prints errors in Green.
        :param s_text:

        # If they pass numbers
        s_text = str(m_text)
        print(Fore.GREEN + s_text)
        print(Style.RESET_ALL, end=s_end)

    def color_success(self, m_text):
        Colors only this
        :param m_text:

        s_text = str(m_text)
        return Fore.GREEN + s_text + Fore.RESET

    def color_black(self, m_text):
        s_text = str(m_text)
        return Fore.BLACK + s_text + Fore.RESET

    def color_blue(self, m_text):
        s_text = str(m_text)
        return Fore.BLUE + s_text + Fore.RESET

    def color_red(self, m_text):
        s_text = str(m_text)
        return Fore.RED + s_text + Fore.RESET

    def color_yellow(self, m_text):
        s_text = str(m_text)
        return Fore.YELLOW + s_text + Fore.RESET

    def color_magenta(self, m_text):
        s_text = str(m_text)
        return Fore.MAGENTA + s_text + Fore.RESET

    def print_label(self, m_text, s_end="\n"):
        Prints a label and not the end line
        :param s_text:

        # If they pass numbers
        s_text = str(m_text)

        print(Fore.BLUE + s_text, end="")
        print(Style.RESET_ALL, end=s_end)

    def return_text_blue(self, s_text):
        Restuns a Text
        :param s_text:
        :return: String
        s_text_return = Fore.BLUE + s_text + Style.RESET_ALL
        return s_text_return

Testing length of Linux ext3/ext4 and ZFS file names with Python 3

Last Update: 2022-04-16 15:22

So, I was working on a project and i wanted to test how long a file can be.

The resources I checked, and also the Kernel and C source I reviewed, were pointing that effectively the limit is 255 characters.

But I had one doubt… given that Python 3 String are UTF-8, and that Linux encode by default is UTF-8, will I be able to use 255 characters length, or this will be reduced as the Strings will be encoded as UTF-8 or Unicode?.

So I did a small Proof of Concept.

For the filenames I grabbed a fragment of the translation to English of the book epic book “Tirant lo Blanc” (The White Knight), one of the first books written in Catalan language and the first chivalry novel known in the world. You can download it for free it in:


Python Code:

from carleslibs.fileutils import FileUtils
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style , init

class ColorUtils:

    def __init__(self):
        # For Colorama on Windows

    def print_error(self, s_text, s_end="\n"):
        Prints errors in Red.
        :param s_text:
        print(Fore.RED + s_text)
        print(Style.RESET_ALL, end=s_end)

    def print_success(self, s_text, s_end="\n"):
        Prints errors in Green.
        :param s_text:
        print(Fore.GREEN + s_text)
        print(Style.RESET_ALL, end=s_end)

    def print_label(self, s_text, s_end="\n"):
        Prints a label and not the end line
        :param s_text:
        print(Fore.BLUE + s_text, end="")
        print(Style.RESET_ALL, end=s_end)

    def return_text_blue(self, s_text):
        Restuns a Text
        :param s_text:
        :return: String
        s_text_return = Fore.BLUE + s_text + Style.RESET_ALL
        return s_text_return

if __name__ == "__main__":

    o_color = ColorUtils()
    o_file = FileUtils()

    s_text = "In the fertile, rich and lovely island of England there lived a most valiant knight, noble by his lineage and much more for his "
    s_text += "courage.  In his great wisdom and ingenuity he had served the profession of chivalry for many years and with a great deal of honor, "
    s_text += "and his fame was widely known throughout the world.  His name was Count William of Warwick.  This was a very strong knight "
    s_text += "who, in his virile youth, had practiced the use of arms, following wars on sea as well as land, and he had brought many "
    s_text += "battles to a successful conclusion."

    o_color.print_label("Erasure Code project by Carles Mateo")
    print("Task 237 - Proof of Concep of Long File Names, encoded is ASCii, in Linux ext3 and ext4 Filesystems")
    print("Using as a sample a text based on the translation of Tirant Lo Blanc")
    print("Sample text used:")
    print("-" * 30)
    print("This test uses the OpenSource libraries from Carles Mateo carleslibs")
    print("Initiating tests")

    s_dir = "task237_tests"

    if o_file.folder_exists(s_dir) is True:
        o_color.print_success("Directory " + s_dir + " already existed, skipping creation")
        b_success = o_file.create_folder(s_dir)
        if b_success is True:
            o_color.print_success("Directory " + s_dir + " created successfully")
            o_color.print_error("Directory " + s_dir + " creation failed")

    for i_length in range(200, 512, 1):
        s_filename = s_dir + "/" + s_text[0:i_length]
        b_success = o_file.write(s_file=s_filename, s_text=s_text)
        s_output = "Writing file length: "
        print(s_output, end="")
        o_color.print_label(str(i_length).rjust(3), s_end="")
        print(" file name: ", end="")
        o_color.print_label(s_filename, s_end="")
        print(": ", end="")
        if b_success is False:
            o_color.print_error("failed", s_end="\n")
            o_color.print_success("success", s_end="\n")

    # Note: up to 255 work, 256 fails

I tried this in an Ubuntu Virtual Box VM.

As part of my tests I tried to add a non typical character in English, ASCii >127, like Ç.

When I use ASCii character < 128 (0 to 127) for the filenames in ext3/ext4 and in a ZFS Pool, I can use 255 positions. But when I add characters that are not typical, like the Catalan ç Ç or accents Àí the space available is reduced, suggesting the characters are being encoded:

Ç has value 128 in the ASCii table and ç 135.

I used my Open Source carleslibs and the package colorama.

Install them with:

pip3 install carleslibs colorama