After Docker Image flask_app is built, you can run a Docker Container based on it with:
sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name flask_app flask_app
After you’re done, in order to stop the Container type:
sudo docker stop flask_app
Here is the source code of the Python file
# Author: Carles Mateo
# Creation Date: 2020-05-10 20:50 GMT+1
# Description: A simple Flask Web Application
# Part of the samples of
# More source code for the book at
from flask import Flask
import datetime
def get_datetime(b_milliseconds=False):
Return the datetime with miliseconds in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.xxxxx
or without milliseconds as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
if b_milliseconds is True:
s_now = str(
s_now = str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
return s_now
app = Flask(__name__)
# Those variables will keep their value as long as Flask is running
i_votes_r2d2 = 0
i_votes_bb8 = 0
def page_root():
s_page = "<html>"
s_page += "<title>My Web Page!</title>"
s_page += "<body>"
s_page += "<h1>Time now is: " + get_datetime() + "</h1>"
s_page += """<h2>Who is more sexy?</h2>
<a href="r2d2"><img src="static/r2d2.png"></a> <a href="bb8"><img width="250" src="static/bb8.jpg"></a>"""
s_page += "</body>"
s_page += "</html>"
return s_page
def page_bb8():
global i_votes_bb8
i_votes_bb8 = i_votes_bb8 + 1
s_page = "<html>"
s_page += "<title>My Web Page!</title>"
s_page += "<body>"
s_page += "<h1>Time now is: " + get_datetime() + "</h1>"
s_page += """<h2>BB8 Is more sexy!</h2>
<img width="250" src="static/bb8.jpg">"""
s_page += "<p>I have: " + str(i_votes_bb8) + "</p>"
s_page += "</body>"
s_page += "</html>"
return s_page
def page_r2d2():
global i_votes_r2d2
i_votes_r2d2 = i_votes_r2d2 + 1
s_page = "<html>"
s_page += "<title>My Web Page!</title>"
s_page += "<body>"
s_page += "<h1>Time now is: " + get_datetime() + "</h1>"
s_page += """<h2>R2D2 Is more sexy!</h2>
<img src="static/r2d2.png">"""
s_page += "<p>I have: " + str(i_votes_r2d2) + "</p>"
s_page += "</body>"
s_page += "</html>"
return s_page
if __name__ == "__main__":"", port=5000, debug=True)
As always, the naming of the variables is based on MT Notation.
The Dockerfile is very straightforward:
FROM ubuntu:20.04
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt update && \
apt install -y vim python3-pip && pip3 install pytest && \
apt-get clean
ENV PYTHON_COMBAT_GUIDE /var/python_combat_guide
RUN pip3 install -r $PYTHON_COMBAT_GUIDE/requirements.txt
# This is important so when executing python3 -m current directory will be added to Syspath
# Is not necessary, as we added to PYTHONPATH
# Launch our Flask Application
CMD ["/usr/bin/python3", "/var/python_combat_guide/src/"]
I’ve released v. 0.99 of carleslibs package This package includes utilities for:
Files and Directories handling
Date/Time retrieval
Python version detection
You can install it with:
pip install carleslibs
The minimum requirement declared is Python 3.6, although they work with Python 3.5 and Python 2.7, as I want to drop support for no longer supported versions.
If you are enrolled with Linux Academy, I recommend you this Python course: Python 3 Scripting for System Administrators Does not cover OOP, but it does a bit of Unit Testing, and talks a lot about PIP and Virtual Environments.
However we are going to run everything from a Docker Container so the only thing you need is to have installed Docker.
If you prefer to install MySql in your computer (or Virtual Box instance) directly, skip the Docker steps.
The Dockerfile is the file that Docker uses to build the Docker Container.
Ours is like that:
FROM ubuntu:20.04
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt update && apt install -y python3 pip mysql-server vim mc wget curl && apt-get clean
RUN pip install mysql-connector-python
ENV FOLDER_PROJECT /var/mysql_carles
RUN chmod +x /var/mysql_carles/
CMD ["/var/mysql_carles/"]
The first line defines that we are going to use Ubuntu 20.04 (it’s a LTS version).
We install all the apt packages in a single line, as Docker works in layers, and what is used as disk space in the previous layer is not deleted even if we delete the files, so we want to run apt update, install all the packages, and clean the temporal files in one single step.
I also install some useful tools like: vim, mc, less, wget and curl.
We expose to outside the port 3306, in case you want to run the Python code from your computer, but having the MySql in the Container.
The last line executes a script that starts the MySql service, creates the table, the user, and add two rows and runs an infinite loop so the Docker does not finish. is a Bash script that builds the Docker Image for you very easily.
It stops the container and removes the previous image, so your hard drive does not fill with Docker images if you do modifications.
It checks for errors building and it also remembers you how to run and debug the Docker Container.
# Execute with sudo
printf "Stopping old image %s\n" "${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}"
sudo docker stop "${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}"
printf "Removing old image %s\n" "${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}"
sudo docker rm "${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}"
printf "Creating Docker Image %s\n" "${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}"
sudo docker build -t ${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} . --no-cache
if [ $i_EXIT_CODE -ne 0 ]; then
printf "Error. Exit code %s\n" ${i_EXIT_CODE}
echo "Ready to run ${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} Docker Container"
echo "To run type: sudo docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name ${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} ${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}"
echo "or just use"
echo "Debug running Docker:"
echo "docker exec -it ${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} /bin/bash"
I also provide a script named that runs your Container easily, exposing the MySql port.
# Execute with sudo
docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name ${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME} ${s_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}
echo "Showing running Instances"
docker ps
As you saw before I named the image after blog_carlesmateo_com_mysql.
I did that so basically I wanted to make sure that the name was unique, as the deletes an image named like the name I choose, I didn’t want to use a generic name like “mysql” that may lead to you to delete the Docker Image inadvertently.
This script will run when the Docker Container is launched for the first time:
# Allow to be queried from outside
sed -i '31 s/bind-address/#bind-address/' /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf
service mysql start
# Create a Database, a user with password, and permissions
cd /var/mysql_carles
mysql -u root < start.sql
while [ true ]; do sleep 60; done
With sed command we modify the line 31 of the the MySQL config file so we can connect from Outside the Docker Instance (bind-address:
As you can see it executes the SQL contained in the file start.sql as root and we start MySql.
Please note: Our MySql installation has not set a password for root. It is only for Development purposes.
The SQL file that will be ran inside our Docker Container.
CREATE DATABASE carles_database;
CREATE USER 'python'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON carles_database.* TO 'python'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON carles_database.* TO 'python'@'%';
USE carles_database;
CREATE TABLE car_queue (
i_id_car int,
s_model_code varchar(25),
s_color_code varchar(25),
s_extras varchar(100),
i_right_side int,
s_city_to_ship varchar(25)
INSERT INTO car_queue (i_id_car, s_model_code, s_color_code, s_extras, i_right_side, s_city_to_ship) VALUES (1, "GOLF2021", "BLUE7", "COND_AIR, GPS, MULTIMEDIA_V3", 0, "Barcelona");
INSERT INTO car_queue (i_id_car, s_model_code, s_color_code, s_extras, i_right_side, s_city_to_ship) VALUES (2, "GOLF2021_PLUGIN_HYBRID", "BLUEMETAL_5", "COND_AIR, GPS, MULTIMEDIA_V3, SECURITY_V5", 1, "Cork");
As you can see it creates the user “python” with the password ‘’ for access local and remote (%).
It also creates a Database named carles_database and grants all the permissions to the user “python”, for local and remote.
This is the user we will use to authenticate from out Python code.
Then we switch to use the carles_database and we create the car_queue table.
We insert two rows, as an example.
Finally the Python code that will query the Database.
import mysql.connector
if __name__ == "__main__":
o_conn = mysql.connector.connect(user='python', password='', database='carles_database')
o_cursor = o_conn.cursor()
s_query = "SELECT * FROM car_queue"
for a_row in o_cursor:
Nothing special, we open a connection to the MySql and perform a query, and parse the cursor as rows/lists.
Please note: Error control is disabled so you may see any exception.
Executing the Container
First step is to build the Container.
From the directory where you cloned the project, execute:
sudo ./
Then run the Docker Container:
sudo ./
The script also performs a docker ps command, so you can see that it’s running.
Then change to the directory where I installed the sample files:
cd /var/mysql_carles
And execute the Python 3 example:
Tying together MySql and a Python Menu with Object Oriented Programming
In order to tie all together, and specially to give a consistent view to my students, to avoid showing only pieces but a complete program, and to show a bit of Objects Oriented in action I developed a small program which simulates the handling of a production queue for Volkswagen.
MySQL Library
First I created a library to handle MySQL operations.
import mysql.connector
class MySql():
def __init__(self, s_user, s_password, s_database, s_host="", i_port=3306):
self.s_user = s_user
self.s_password = s_password
self.s_database = s_database
self.s_host = s_host
self.i_port = i_port
o_conn = mysql.connector.connect(host=s_host, port=i_port, user=s_user, password=s_password, database=s_database)
self.o_conn = o_conn
def query(self, s_query):
a_rows = []
o_cursor = self.o_conn.cursor()
for a_row in o_cursor:
return a_rows
def insert(self, s_query):
o_cursor = self.o_conn.cursor()
i_inserted_row_count = o_cursor.rowcount
# Make sure data is committed to the database
return i_inserted_row_count
def delete(self, s_query):
o_cursor = self.o_conn.cursor()
i_deleted_row_count = o_cursor.rowcount
# Make sure data is committed to the database
return i_deleted_row_count
def close(self):
Basically when this class is instantiated, a new connection to the MySQL specified in the Constructor is established.
We have a method query() to send SELECT queries.
We have a insert method, to send INSERT, UPDATE queries that returns the number of rows affected.
This method ensures to perform a commit to make sure changes persist.
We have a delete method, to send DELETE Sql queries that returns the number of rows deleted.
We have a close method which closes the MySql connection.
A Data Object: CarDO
Then I’ve defined a class, to deal with Data and interactions of the cars.
Initially I was going to have a CarDO Object without any logic. Only with Data.
In OOP the variables of the Instance are called Properties, and the functions Methods.
Then I decided to add some logic, so I can show what’s the typical use of the objects.
So I will use CarDO as Data Object, but also to do few functions like printing the info of a Car.
Queue Manager
Finally the main program.
We also use Object Oriented Programming, and we use Dependency Injection to inject the MySQL Instance. That’s very practical to do Unit Testing.
from lib.mysqllib import MySql
from do.cardo import CarDO
class QueueManager():
def __init__(self, o_mysql):
self.o_mysql = o_mysql
def exit(self):
def main_menu(self):
while True:
print("Main Menu")
print("1. Add new car to queue")
print("2. List all cars to queue")
print("3. View car by Id")
print("4. Delete car from queue by Id")
print("0. Exit")
s_option = input("Choose your option:")
if s_option == "1":
if s_option == "2":
if s_option == "3":
if s_option == "4":
if s_option == "0":
def get_all_cars(self):
s_query = "SELECT * FROM car_queue"
a_rows = self.o_mysql.query(s_query)
a_o_cars = []
for a_row in a_rows:
i_id_car = a_row[0]
s_model_code = a_row[1]
s_color_code = a_row[2]
s_extras = a_row[3]
i_right_side = a_row[4]
s_city_to_ship = a_row[5]
o_car = CarDO(i_id_car=i_id_car, s_model_code=s_model_code, s_color_code=s_color_code, s_extras=s_extras, i_right_side=i_right_side, s_city_to_ship=s_city_to_ship)
return a_o_cars
def get_car_by_id(self, i_id_car):
b_success = False
o_car = None
s_query = "SELECT * FROM car_queue WHERE i_id_car=" + str(i_id_car)
a_rows = self.o_mysql.query(s_query)
if len(a_rows) == 0:
# False, None
return b_success, o_car
i_id_car = a_rows[0][0]
s_model_code = a_rows[0][1]
s_color_code = a_rows[0][2]
s_extras = a_rows[0][3]
i_right_side = a_rows[0][4]
s_city_to_ship = a_rows[0][5]
o_car = CarDO(i_id_car=i_id_car, s_model_code=s_model_code, s_color_code=s_color_code, s_extras=s_extras, i_right_side=i_right_side, s_city_to_ship=s_city_to_ship)
b_success = True
return b_success, o_car
def replace_apostrophe(self, s_text):
return s_text.replace("'", "´")
def insert_car(self, o_car):
s_sql = """INSERT INTO car_queue
(i_id_car, s_model_code, s_color_code, s_extras, i_right_side, s_city_to_ship)
(""" + str(o_car.get_i_id_car()) + ", '" + o_car.get_s_model_code() + "', '" + o_car.get_s_color_code() + "', '" + o_car.get_s_extras() + "', " + str(o_car.get_i_right_side()) + ", '" + o_car.get_s_city_to_ship() + "');"
i_inserted_row_count = self.o_mysql.insert(s_sql)
if i_inserted_row_count > 0:
print("Inserted", i_inserted_row_count, " row/s")
b_success = True
print("It was impossible to insert the row")
b_success = False
return b_success
def add_new_car(self):
print("Add new car")
while True:
s_id_car = input("Enter new ID: ")
if s_id_car == "":
print("A numeric Id is needed")
i_id_car = int(s_id_car)
if i_id_car < 1:
# Check if that id existed already
b_success, o_car = self.get_car_by_id(i_id_car=i_id_car)
if b_success is False:
# Does not exist
print("Sorry, this Id already exists")
s_model_code = input("Enter Model Code:")
s_color_code = input("Enter Color Code:")
s_extras = input("Enter extras comma separated:")
s_right_side = input("Enter R for Right side driven:")
if s_right_side.upper() == "R":
i_right_side = 1
i_right_side = 0
s_city_to_ship = input("Enter the city to ship the car:")
# Sanitize SQL replacing apostrophe
s_model_code = self.replace_apostrophe(s_model_code)
s_color_code = self.replace_apostrophe(s_color_code)
s_extras = self.replace_apostrophe(s_extras)
s_city_to_ship = self.replace_apostrophe(s_city_to_ship)
o_car = CarDO(i_id_car=i_id_car, s_model_code=s_model_code, s_color_code=s_color_code, s_extras=s_extras, i_right_side=i_right_side, s_city_to_ship=s_city_to_ship)
b_success = self.insert_car(o_car)
def see_all_cars(self):
a_o_cars = self.get_all_cars()
if len(a_o_cars) > 0:
print("No cars in queue")
for o_car in a_o_cars:
def see_car_by_id(self, i_id_car=0):
if i_id_car == 0:
s_id = input("Car Id:")
i_id_car = int(s_id)
s_id_car = str(i_id_car)
b_success, o_car = self.get_car_by_id(i_id_car=i_id_car)
if b_success is False:
print("Error, car id: " + s_id_car + " not located.")
return False
return True
def delete_by_id(self):
s_id = input("Enter Id of car to delete:")
i_id_car = int(s_id)
if i_id_car == 0:
print("Invalid Id")
# reuse see_car_by_id
b_found = self.see_car_by_id(i_id_car=i_id_car)
if b_found is False:
s_delete = input("Are you sure you want to DELETE. Type Y to delete: ")
if s_delete.upper() == "Y":
s_sql = "DELETE FROM car_queue WHERE i_id_car=" + str(i_id_car)
i_num = self.o_mysql.delete(s_sql)
print(i_num, " Rows deleted")
# if b_success is True:
# print("Car deleted successfully from the queue")
if __name__ == "__main__":
o_mysql = MySql(s_user="python", s_password="", s_database="carles_database", s_host="", i_port=3306)
o_queue_manager = QueueManager(o_mysql=o_mysql)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Detected CTRL + C. Exiting")
This program talks to MySQL, that we have started in a Docker previously.
We have access from inside the Docker Container, or from outside.
The idea of this simple program is to use a library for dealing with MySql, and objects for dealing with the Cars. The class CarDO contributes to the render of its data in the screen.
To enter inside the Docker once you have generated it and is running, do: