This article is more an exercise, like a game, so you get to know certain things about Linux, and follow my mental process to uncover this. Is nothing mysterious for the Senior Engineers but Junior Sys Admins may enjoy this reading. :)
Ok, so the first thing is I wrote an script in order to completely backup my NVMe hard drive to a gziped file and then I will use this, as a motivation to go deep into investigations to understand.
So basically, we are going to restart the computer, boot with Linux Live USB Key, mount the Seagate Hard Drive, and run the script.
We are booting with a Live Linux Cd in order to have our partition unmounted and unmodified while we do the backup. This is in order to avoid corruption or data loss as a live Filesystem is getting modifications as we read it.
The problem with this first script is that it will generate a big gzip file.
By big I mean much more bigger than 2GB. Not all physical supports support files bigger than 2GB or 4GB, but even if they do, it’s a pain to transfer this over the Network, or in USB files, so we are going to do a slight modification.
Then one may ask himself, wait, if pipes use STDOUT and STDIN and dd is displaying into the screen, then will our gz file get corrupted?.
I like when people question things, and investigate, so let’s answer this question.
If it was a young member of my Team I would ask:
Ok, try,it. Check the output file to see if is corrupted.
So they can do zcat or zless to inspect the file, see if it has errors, and to make sure:
gzip -v -t nvme.img.gz
nvme.img.gz: OK
Ok, so what happened?, because we were seeing output in the screen.
Assuming the young Engineer does not know the answer I would had told:
Ok, so you know that if dd would print to STDOUT, then you won’t see it, cause it would be sent to the pipe, so there is something more you’re missing. Let’s check the source code of dd to see what status=progress does
And then look for “progress”.
Soon you’ll find things like everywhere:
if (progress_time)
fputc ('\r', stderr);
Ok, pay attention to where is the data written: stderr. So basically the answer is: dd status=progress does not corrupt STDOUT and prints into the screen because it uses STDERR.
Other funny ways to get the progress would be to use:
So you would see in real time what was the advance and finally 512GB where compressed to around 336GB in 336 files of 1 GB each (except the last one)
Another funny way would had been sending USR1 signal to the dd process:
Hope you enjoyed this little exercise about the importance of going deep, to the end, to understand what’s going on on the system. :)
Instead of gzip you can use bzip2 or pixz. pixz is very handy if you want to just compress a file, as it uses multiple processors in parallel for the tasks.
xz or lrzip are other compressors. lrzip aims to compress very large files, specially source code.
I came with this solution when one of my 4U60 Servers had two slots broken. You’ll not use this in Production, as SLOG loses its function, but I managed to use one $40K USD broken Server and to demonstrate that the Speed of the SLOG device (ZFS Intented Log or ZIL device) sets the constraints for the writing speed.
The ZFS DRAID config I was using required 60 drives, basically 58 14TB Spinning drives and 2 SSD for the SLOG ZIL. As I only had 58 slots I came with this idea.
This trick can be very useful if you have a box full of Spinning drives, and when sharing by iSCSI zvols you get disconnected in the iSCSI Initiator side. This is typical when ZFS has only Spinning drives and it has no SLOG drives (dedicated fast devices for the ZIL, ZFS INTENDED LOG)
Create a single Ramdrive of 10GB of RAM:
modprobe brd rd_nr=1 rd_size=10485760 max_part=0
Confirm ram0 device exists now:
ls /dev/ram*
Confirm that the pool is imported:
zpool list
Add to the pool:
zpool add carles-N58-C3-D16-P2-S4 log ram0
In the case that you want to have two ram devices as SLOG devices, in mirror.
It is interesting to know that you can work with partitions instead of drives. So for this test we could have partitioned ram0 with 2 partitions and make it work in mirror. You’ll see how much faster the iSCSI communication goes over the network. The writing speed of the ZIL SLOG device is the constrain for ingesting Data from the Network to the Server.
Creating a partition bigger than 2TiB
Master Boot Record (MBR) based partitioning is limited to 2TiB however GUID Partition Table (GPT) has a limit of 8 ZiB.
That’s something very simply, but make you lose time if you’re partitioning big iSCSI Shares, or ZFS Zvols, so here is the trick:
[root@CTRLA-18 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo)
[root@CTRLA-18 ~]# parted /dev/zvol/N58-C19-D2-P1-S1/vol54854gb
GNU Parted 3.1
Using /dev/zd0
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) mklabel gpt
Warning: The existing disk label on /dev/zd0 will be destroyed and all data on this disk will be lost. Do you want to continue?
Yes/No? y
(parted) print
Model: Unknown (unknown)
Disk /dev/zd0: 58.9TB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/65536B
Partition Table: gpt
Disk Flags:
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
(parted) mkpart primary 0GB 58.9TB
(parted) print
Model: Unknown (unknown)
Disk /dev/zd0: 58.9TB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/65536B
Partition Table: gpt
Disk Flags:
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 1049kB 58.9TB 58.9TB primary
(parted) quit
Information: You may need to update /etc/fstab.
[root@CTRLA-18 ~]# mkfs
mkfs mkfs.btrfs mkfs.cramfs mkfs.ext2 mkfs.ext3 mkfs.ext4 mkfs.minix mkfs.xfs
[root@CTRLA-18 ~]# mkfs.ext4 /dev/zvol/N58-C19-D2-P1-S1/vol54854gb
mke2fs 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)
[root@CTRLA-18 ~]# mount /dev/zvol/N58-C19-D2-P1-S1/vol54854gb /Data
[root@CTRLA-18 ~]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/rhel-root 50G 2.5G 48G 5% /
devtmpfs 126G 0 126G 0% /dev
tmpfs 126G 0 126G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 126G 1.1G 125G 1% /run
tmpfs 126G 0 126G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sdp1 1014M 151M 864M 15% /boot
/dev/mapper/rhel-home 65G 33M 65G 1% /home
logs 49G 349M 48G 1% /logs
mysql 9.7G 128K 9.7G 1% /mysql
tmpfs 26G 0 26G 0% /run/user/0
/dev/zd0 54T 20K 51T 1% /Data
ZFS is unable to use a disk
Some times, after creating many pools ZFS may be unable to create a new pool using a drive that is perfectly fine. In this situation, the ideal is wipe the first areas of it, or all of it if you want. If it’s an SSD that is very fast:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=1M status=progress
The status=progress will show a nice progress bar.
Filling a half Petabyte pool as fast as possible
To fill a 60 drives pool composed by 10TB or 14TB spinning drives, so more than half PB, in order to test with real data, you can use this trick:
First, write to the Dataset directly, that’s way much more faster than using zvols.
Secondly, disable the ZIL, set sync=disabled.
Third, use a file in memory to avoid the paytime of reading the file from disk.
Fourth, increase the recordsize to 1M for faster filling (in my experience).
You can use this script of mine that does everything for you, normally you would like to run it inside an screen session, and create a Dataset called Data. The script will mount it in /Data (zfs set mountpoint=/data YOURPOOL/Data):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Created by Carles Mateo
# POOL="N56-C5-D8-P3-S1"
# The starting number, if you interrupt the filling process, you can update it just by updating this number to match the last partially written file
# For 75% of 10TB (3x(16+3)+1 has 421TiB, so 75% of 421TiB or 431,104GiB is 323,328) use 323328
# For 75% of 10TB, 5x(8+3)+1 ZFS sees 352TiB, so 75% use 270336
# For 75% of 14TB, 3x(16+3)+1, use 453120
# Creating an array that will hold the speed of the latest 1 minute
a_i_LATEST_SPEEDS=(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
get_average_speed () {
# Calculates the Average Speed
for i_index in {0..59..1}
echo "Bash version ${BASH_VERSION}..."
echo "Disabling sync in the pool $POOL for faster speed"
zfs set sync=disabled $POOL
echo "Maximizing performance with recordsize"
zfs set recordsize=1M ${POOL}
zfs set recordsize=1M ${POOL}/Data
echo "Mounting the Dataset Data"
zfs set mountpoint=/Data ${POOL}/Data
zfs mount ${POOL}/Data
echo "Checking if file ${FILE_ORIGINAL} exists..."
if [[ -f ${FILE_ORIGINAL} ]]; then
sha1sum ${FILE_ORIGINAL}
echo "Generating file..."
dd if=/dev/urandom of=${FILE_ORIGINAL} bs=1M count=1024 status=progress
echo "Starting filling process..."
echo "We are going to copy ${i_FILES_TO_BE_COPIED} , starting from: ${i_COPYING_INITIAL_NUMBER} to: ${i_COPYING_FINAL_NUMBER}"
s_datetime_ini=$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
DATE_NOW=`date '+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'`
s_datetime_end=$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
MILLISECONDS=$(expr "$s_datetime_end" - "$s_datetime_ini")
if [[ ${MILLISECONDS} -lt 1 ]]; then
BANDWIDTH_MBS="Unknown (too fast)"
# That sould not happen, but if did, we don't account crazy speeds
# Make sure the Array space has been allocated
if [[ ${i_POINTER_SPEEDS} -gt ${i_COUNTER_SPEEDS} ]]; then
# Add item to the Array the first times only
if [[ ${i_POINTER_SPEEDS} -ge ${i_ITEMS_KEPT_SPEEDS} ]]; then
echo "File cloned in ${MILLISECONDS} milliseconds at ${BANDWIDTH_MBS} MB/s"
echo "Avg. Speed: ${i_AVG_SPEED} MB/s Remaining Files: ${i_FILES_TO_BE_COPIED} Remaining seconds: ${i_REMAINING_TIME} s. (${i_REMAINING_HOURS} h.)"
echo "Enabling sync=always"
zfs set sync=always ${POOL}
echo "Setting back recordsize to 128K"
zfs set recordsize=128K ${POOL}
zfs set recordsize=128K ${POOL}/Data
echo "Unmounting /Data"
zfs set mountpoint=none ${POOL}/Data
Creating a Sparse file that you can partition or create a loopback on it
I know, your laptop has 512GB of M.2 SSD or NVMe, so that’s it.
Well, you can create a sparse file much more bigger than your capacity, and use 0 bytes of it at all.
For example:
truncate -s 1600GB file_disk0.img
If the files are stored in / then you can add a loop device:
sudo losetup -f /file_disk0.img
I do with the 5 I created.
Then you can check that they exist with:
cat /proc/partitions
The loop devices will appear under /dev/ now.
For some tests I did this in a Virtual Box Virtual Machine:
Ok, as you know I work with ZFS, DRAID, Erasure Coding… and Cold Storage.
I work with big disks, SAS, SSD, and NVMe.
Sometimes I need to conduct some tests that involve filling completely to 100% the pool.
That’s very slow having to fill 14TB drives, with Servers with 60, 90 and 104 drives, for obvious reasons. So here is a handy script for partitioning those drives with a small partition, then you use the small partition for creating a pool that will fill faster.
1. Get the list of drives in the system
For example this script can help
If your drives had a previous partition this script will detect them, and will use only the drives with wwn identifier.
Warning: some M.2 booting drives have wwn where others don’t. Use with caution.
2. Identify the boot device and remove from the list
3. Do the loop with for DRIVE in $DRIVES or manually: