Tag Archives: Web Development

Front End (Beginners): Check if an AJAX request is made

I created this little video to show how to use the Web Developer Tools to check if jQuery AJAX request is being made.

This is to help beginners in their journey learning to program Front End.

Please be aware that the page I used makes their own calls for marketing purposes. I cleared several times the history to show what is the real AJAX request we are doing.

Note: The recording program did not capture correctly the mouse position and this video has no sound.

The page I shown is:


And some more info about jQuery .ajax method:


Normally you can try your HTML and JavaScript from your browser, opening the HTML file. However there are Security restrictions when it applies to AJAX requests or trying to access a local file from the browser.

You’ll need to run your JavaScript from an HTML page server from a Web Server. You can install apache if you use Linux, or WAMP if you use Windows or MAMP (Mac Apache MySQL PHP) if you use Mac or if you know how to you can create a Docker Container.

When you’re programming and your code does not trigger, pay attention to errors:

Top right, red circle, shows one error

Web Top – Displaying top with Python 3 Web Server and Carleslibs

So this is a super simple example on how quickly you can create nice solutions with my package carleslibs.

In this example I use Python 3 incorporated Web Server and carleslibs, to execute top and display in the browser.


Having Python3 and have installed carleslibs 1.0.1 or superior.

pip3 install carleslibs

Having this running in a Linux with top installed. All of them come with top, as long as I know.

This is the 84 lines code for WebTop:

from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer

from carleslibs.subprocessutils import SubProcessUtils
from carleslibs.datetimeutils import DateTimeUtils

class Top():

    def __init__(self, o_subprocess):
        self.o_subprocess = o_subprocess

    def get_top(self):

        a_domains_offline = []

        s_command = "/usr/bin/top -n 1 -b"
        i_code, s_stdout, s_stderr = self.o_subprocess.execute_command_for_output(s_command, b_shell=True, b_convert_to_ascii=True)

        return i_code, s_stdout, s_stderr

class WebServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

    def do_GET(self):
        o_subprocess = SubProcessUtils()
        self.o_top = Top(o_subprocess)

        self.o_datetime = DateTimeUtils()

        self.i_max_domains_offline = 0

        self.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")

        if self.path == "/favicon.ico":

        s_html = "<html><body>"
        s_html = s_html + "<h1>Web Top</h1>"
        s_html = s_html + '<small>by Carles Mateo - <a href="https://blog.carlesmateo.com">blog.carlesmateo.com</a></small>'

        i_code, s_stdout, s_stderr = self.o_top.get_top()

        if i_code != 0:
            s_html = s_html + "Error Code: " + str(i_code) + "&lt;/br&gt;"
            s_html = s_html + "Message: " + s_stderr + "&lt;/br&gt;"
            s_html = s_html + "<pre>"
            s_html = s_html + s_stdout
            s_html = s_html + "</pre>"

        s_html = s_html + "</body>"
        s_html = s_html + "</html>"

        by_html = bytes(s_html, encoding="utf-8")


class WebTop():

    o_datetime = DateTimeUtils()

    def log(s_text):
        s_datetime = WebTop.o_datetime.get_datetime()
        print(s_datetime, s_text)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    o_webserver = HTTPServer(("localhost", 80), WebServer)
    WebTop.log("Server started")

    except KeyboardInterrupt:

    WebTop.log("Server stopped")

Just run the code and go to localhost with your favorite browser.

If you get an error like this it means that another process is listening on port 80. Just use another like 8080, 8181, etc…

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/carles/Desktop/code/carles/json-realm-live/web_top.py", line 74, in <module>
    o_webserver = HTTPServer(("localhost", 80), WebServer)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/socketserver.py", line 452, in __init__
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/http/server.py", line 138, in server_bind
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/socketserver.py", line 466, in server_bind
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

And you will see the requests coming:

2021-10-09 10:47:46 Server started - - [13/Oct/2021 10:47:48] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
2021-10-09 10:47:48 / - - [13/Oct/2021 11:25:24] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
2021-10-09 11:25:24 /

So instead of using top, you can use ctop.py :)

Just replace the command by:

s_command = "ctop.py -b -n=1 --rows=30 --columns=200"

You can also create a Dockerfile very easily and run this in a Container.

Microservices vs. Service Based Architecture

This video by Mark Richards writer of Fundamentals of Software Architecture book, about Microservices vs Service Based Architecture is very interesting and short.

Just a bit of common sense and light about complexity in projects, and moving out from the monolith.

Post-Mortem: The mystery of the duplicated Transactions into an e-Commerce

Me, with 4 more Senior BackEnd Engineers wrote the new e-Commerce for a multinational.

The old legacy Software evolved into a different code for every country, making it impossible to be maintained.

The new Software we created used inheritance to use the same base code for each country and overloaded only the specific different behavior of every country, like for the payment methods, for example Brazil supporting “parcelados” or Germany with specific payment players.

We rewrote the old procedural PHP BackEnd into modern PHP, with OOP and our own Framework but we had to keep the transactional code in existing MySQL Procedures, so the logic was split. There was a Front End Team consuming our JSONs. Basically all the Front End code was cached in Akamai and pages were rendered accordingly to the JSONs served from out BackEnd.

It was a huge success.

This e-Commerce site had Campaigns that started at a certain time, so the amount of traffic that would come at the same time would be challenging.

The project was working very well, and after some time the original Team was split into different projects in the company and a Team for maintenance and evolutives was hired.

At certain point they started to encounter duplicate transactions, and nobody was able to solve the mystery.

I’m specialized into fixing impossible problems. They used to send me to Impossible Missions, and I am famous for solving impossible problems easily.

So I started the task with a SRE approach.

The System had many components and layers. The problem could be in many places.

I had in my arsenal of tools, Software like mysqldebugger with which I found an unnoticed bug in decimals calculation in the past surprising everybody.

Previous Engineers involved believed the problem was in the Database side. They were having difficulties to identify the issue by the random nature of the repetitions.

Some times the order lines were duplicated, and other times were the payments, which means charging twice to the customer.

Redis Cluster could also play a part on this, as storing the session information and the basket.

But I had to follow the logic sequence of steps.

If transactions from customer were duplicated that mean that in first term those requests have arrived to the System. So that was a good point of start.

With a list of duplicated operations, I checked the Webservers logs.

That was a bit tricky as the Webserver was recording the Ip of the Load Balancer, not the ip of the customer. But we were tracking the sessionid so with that I could track and user request history. A good thing was also that we were using cookies to stick the user to the same Webserver node. That has pros and cons, but in this case I didn’t have to worry about the logs combined of all the Webservers, I could just identify a transaction in one node, and stick into that node’s log.

I was working with SSH and Bash, no log aggregators existing today were available at that time.

So when I started to catch web logs and grep a bit an smile was drawn into my face. :)

There were no transactions repeated by a bad behavior on MySQL Masters, or by BackEnd problems. Actually the HTTP requests were performed twice.

And the explanation to that was much more simple.

Many Windows and Mac User are used to double click in the Desktop to open programs, so when they started to use Internet, they did the same. They double clicked on the Submit button on the forms. Causing two JavaScript requests in parallel.

When I explained it they were really surprised, but then they started to worry about how they could fix that.

Well, there are many ways, like using an UUID in each request and do not accepting two concurrents, but I came with something that we could deploy super fast.

I explained how to change the JavaScript code so the buttons will have no default submit action, and they will trigger a JavaScript method instead, that will set a boolean to True, and also would disable the button so it can not be clicked anymore. Only if the variable was False the submit would be performed. It was almost impossible to get a double click as the JavaScript was so fast disabling the button, that the second click will not trigger anything. But even if that could be possible, only one request would be made, as the variable was set to True on the first click event.

That case was very funny for me, because it was not necessary to go crazy inspecting the different layers of the system. The problem was detected simply with HTTP logs. :)

People often forget to follow the logic steps while many problems are much more simple.

As a curious note, I still see people double clicking on links and buttons on the Web, and some Software not handling it. :)

Why is not a good idea to pass data via parameters via URL / GET

Several motivations discourage to use GET to pass information as parameters via Url.

The first is security reasons. Proxies keep results saved and could keep confidential info, and even serve to another user. Browsers keep history as well and cache.

The second is practical: limitations on the amount of bytes that could be sent via GET. Limits of servers use to be small.

The third is funny, because a single # character could break the thing. If you send to the server a request like: http://blog.carlesmateo.com/#2013/02/22/cloud-must/ the browser will send only to the server the http://blog.carlesmateo.com/ part. The #2013/02/22/cloud-must/ is considered to be information that is the browser that has to process.

So imagine a contact form that send by Javascript/JQuery by GET where the user adds #, for example: 7th street #4, to refer to number. The data sent to the server will be a mess.

Even if you encode the character # as %23, that will be sent by the browser to the server correctly and understood by the server as #, in the long run many problems will come from this.

And imagine problems you could have with other characters: + decoded to space. % decoded when the user was trying to send a common percentage, and in unicode.

There are many more reasons to avoid sending data through GET calls. Use POST instead.